About Us
We fell in love with this beautiful homestead in 2007, after a long search for a special project that we could call home. We began a major restoration of Naurea Homestead to bring her back to her former glory, introducing new elements to create a modern lifestyle for our family.
Now we enjoy sharing Naurea Homestead B&B as exclusive accommodation for guests to enjoy this peaceful haven away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Through our world travels, we've developed a passion for generous hospitality, providing simple and delicious home-grown food from our spray free gardens and paddocks, to share with our guests.
Welcome to our rural paradise
~ Katy & Barry McLaughlin ~
Naurea Homestead's

Built in 1913, Naurea Homestead is a historic 111 year old homestead located in Patutahi, just 10 minutes northwest of Gisborne.
Rich in history, Naurea Homestead was built for Bishop William Herbert Williams, grandson of Bishop William Williams, who was first to grow grapes in Tairawhiti for use as alter wine.
Esteemed visitors to Naurea Homestead include Sir Āpirana Ngata, who together with Herbert Williams, campaigned for Māori language to be studied in the University of New Zealand.
Throughout his life at Naurea Homestead, Herbert Williams rewrote & edited the Maori Dictionary to produce the 5th edition.